Cents Are Now Supported!

When I first created Kualto, my wife and I made the decision that to make things simple, we wouldn’t support cents. After years of using the cash flow forecasting method to manage our expenses using a spreadsheet, we knew that if you just rounded your expenses up or down, in the end you would always be within $2 of your bank account’s actual balance.

So we instead provided a Balance Adjustment feature that allows you to adjust a week’s ending balance to make it match your bank account. That was enough for us.

Then we released our iPhone app and got the following review a month later.

We had completely forgotten about that decision we made a while ago. It made me wonder how many other users had decided not to continue using Kualto because it was lacking this feature.

So there you go. Cents are now supported thanks to this reviewer. If there are any features you wish we would add, make sure to send us an email. And don’t forget to rate our app in the App Store. Whether positive or negative, we appreciate the feedback.